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Coach Pitch


The coach pitch program will generally have the same format as t-ball. Attendance to games and practices will be required. Your coach will ask that you participate with him/her at least three times a week. This could be 3 games or 3 practices or any combination of the 2 depending on game schedules. We realize things come up but with technology at our fingertips coaches should know as soon as you know if your child is not going to make a practice or game. 

Some basics you should expect your child to get out of playing Coach Pitch are:

1.       Positions: if the coach says short stop you should know where you're going

2.       Don’t be scared of the ball

3.       Catching and throwing to teammates

4.       Catching pop fly balls

5.       Staying in front of the ground ball

6.       Batters will get 5 pitches from a Coach and then use the Tee. 

7.       Covering over thrown balls and back up bases

8.       Every player should be in an actual position

9.       Basic understanding of outs, fouls, strikes, and balls

10.    Dugout behavior and good sportsmanship (COACH WILL NEED HELP)

Playing the game:

1.       Have team meet at the ball park ½ hour prior to game time for warm-ups

2.       Have your lineups ready 10 minutes prior to game time.

3.       Away coach pitches first to his players.  Each player will get 5 pitches from the coach.  If they foul the fifth, they will get a sixth.  After that the tee will be brought out for the player to hit off.  Mid-way through the season the players may start to pitch.  The pitcher will get 3 pitches, after that the coach will pitch up to five balls, then the tee will be brought out.

4.       Inning ends on three outs or everyone has batted once.

5.       Game will be three innings, time permitting.  If you are the first of 2 games scheduled on your field, be cognizant of the time before starting another inning.

6.      Parent behind the plate to help return balls; this will help with time.

7.      At the end of the game, line kids up to slap hands say good game.

8.      Have two volunteers (NOT COACHES) rake the infield.

During the game please be supportive to the coach, players, and volunteers. Please ask the coach if they need help with anything. There should be plenty of helpers on the field to make sure the children understand the game.

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